miniature roses

order: rosales
family: rosaceae
genus: rosa
species: ?
variety: ?

I got this mini rose from a DIY chain in November 2011. It was put on a bargain cart along with other withering plants. Instead of the usual price of 2,50 eur, I only paid 50 cents.

Since this is my very first rose, I had absolutely no idea what I should do to make him happy. I did a long research online but couldn't come to a conclusion from the vastly disputed opinions. Some people were very skeptical of its survival. Some say that roses won't thrive indoor and suggest to plant them out in garden. At this time of year, all the plants usually go to sleep outside while the days become shorter. I didn't think the roses were going to withstand the cold, so I decided to keep it indoor on the south-facing window sill and planned to postpone its winter dormancy.

First I took the plant out of the plastic pot with 6-cm diameter, replanted them into a slightly larger pot with their rootball untouched. Then I proceeded to trim off the deseased leaves. Afterwards, the plant did look happy and healthy. This is what it looked like:

roses newly transplanted into a slightly bigger pot.

I've been keeping my roses between 16 and 21 °C, cooler at night than day, which is recommended by an article I found over the internet. It also recommends humidity between 40% and 60% with air circulation. One mistake I did was misting the plant when the sun was shining brightly. As a result, the flower and flower buds got burnt and had to be pruned. I haven't misted them since. And even when I water, I avoid getting the leaves wet.
One week after having them, I finally seperated the 3 roses. I spent hours removing the soil from the rootball very carefully until each of them was barerooted, gave each of them a root cut, one third off the total length of each root system, including the taproot. Each is planted into their separate pot in a mix of regular soil and pumice.

Months have passed. They seem to have liked the way i handled them. After they were deadheaded and repotted, these tiny roses have grown bushy. One of them is giving me a new bloom now. I took a picture with the three of them together. If you compare with the previous photo, you can see how much they have grown.

separated roses. from left to right: number 1, 2 & 3.
One thing I noticed is that they don't seem to mind the heater underneath the window sill. Of course they don't get full blast from the hot air current. As a rule, I try not to let my plants be exposed to it. I just hold my hand over the heater unit next to the leaves, and if the air feels cool, then it's okay. Otherwise, I place a wider board underneath the pots.

The leaves are alternate, each oddly pinnate, usually having 5 serrulated leaflets, sometimes 3, seldom only one at tip.
New growth is red in colour which slowly fades away and leaves behind its green.

Wikipedia says: "Miniature roses are often marketed and sold by the floral industry as houseplants, but it is important to remember that these plants are largely descended from outdoor shrubs native to temperate regions; thus, most miniature rose varieties require an annual period of cold dormancy to survive."

blooming rose number 1 on valentine's day 2012.

rose number 2 in bloom july 2012.
rose number 3 in bloom july 2012.

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